Christopher O'Young
I've set myself a challenge. Simply put, I aim to complete 40 short pieces in Pig Year 2019 as a means of developing my sound, getting deeper into my software and growing as an artist. It's a work in progress, and a way to progress in my work. Have a listen...
FEB 2019
Soundcloud Challenge 2019: Beats and Pieces
I am now based in Brittany, France. It is a place of magical forests, mediaeval forts and rugged granite coastlines.
I have written a demo inspired by these aspects, starting with a sense of enchantment and progressing into (in my imagination) a hero/battle scene.
Musically I have played around with harmonies inspired by Debussy and Radiohead.
As an exercise in orchestration, I have restricted my orchestral palette to the use of Group and Ensemble patches from Spitfire SSO Library.
Have a listen here:
MAR 2018
Enchanted Forests and Stormy Seas: Orchestral Demo Track (WIP)
I'm thrilled to be working again with Tom Phillips on a romantic VFX filled short film. Music for this one will see a return to more traditional, classical-type scoring.
Scheduled for 2018 release. Watch the trailer here.
SEP 2017
The Terrible Tale of Henrietta Tate
Qiu Tian - The Fall
MAY 2017
I have started work on The Fall, debut feature by Beijng writer/director Li Dong. It is a story about a middle aged man dealing with his sense of being in an environment that increasingly makes no sense to him.
Scheduled for 2018 release.
Beijing, minimalism and quietude
JAN 2017

I have written a series of pieces that are slow, poetic and ambient. They are a pre-emptive score for a film script I have written that deals with the ghosts of past loves that continue to haunt us.
Listen to some excerpts here.
Sardine is Back and the Wheel Is Broken
DEC 2016

Over the past year I've gotten my rock fix playing bass in jam band Sardine Is Back and the Wheel Is Broken. We've improvised gigs in smoky dive bars all around Beijing.
Some shows have been fantastic and some have been fantastically bad. It's been a fun experience and a lesson in not giving a sh*t.
We spent a few hours in a studio in the basement of an abandoned mall on the outskirts of Beijing. Listen to the output of those recordings here.
An exercise in the expression of insanity
SEP 2015

I've been working with Djang San on a project conceived around the premise that with the pollution, noise and shifts in society, it feels as though we are living in a post-apocalyptic society here in Beijing.
We have written music to support a loose narrative about a man who believes himself to be The Goat of the Prophecy, in search of a sacred camembert.
We recorded mostly untuned and broken instruments, reconstructed ideas in Ableton Live and what results is, in my view, rather abstract and ugly on one hand, and on the other, perfectly fitting to our original intent.
Have a listen here.
Galore and The Turning screen at Berlinale 2014
Galore and The Turning will both have their international premieres at Berlinale 2014.
FEB 2014

SEP 2013
Illness Sickness EP on Bandcamp

As a side project I play cello and keys in Beijing based prog-rock band Illness Sickness.
Have a listen to our EP at
SEP 2013
Welcome and thank you for visiting my new site.
The design and layout has been appropriated from the website of the ridiculously talented cinematographer Stefan Duscio, with whom I recently collaborated on Galore.
This is a work in progress, so please feel free to offer any feedback or suggestions.
- Chris